BA SEM I | Seminar in Faith Development | 2 |
BA SEM II | Seminar in Faith Development | 2 |
BA SEM III | Seminar in Faith Development | 1 |
BA SEM IV | Seminar in Faith Development | 1 |
BA SEM V | Seminar in Faith Development | 1 |
BA SEM VI | Seminar in Faith Development | 1 |
BA SEM VII | Seminar in Faith Development | 1 |
BA SEM VIII | Seminar in Faith Development | 1 |
CALR 510 | Leadership and Aims of Catholic Education | 5 |
CALR 520 | Leadership and Administration in Catholic Schools | 5 |
CALR 521 | Catholic Educational Institution | 5 |
CALR 526 | Curriculum, Assessment & Evaluation in Catholic Schools | 5 |
CALR 528 | Current Issues in Catholic Education | 5 |
CALR 600 | Field Based Learning Project/Reflection Seminar | 5 |
CALR 602 | Capstone Experience: A Directed Graduating Project | 2 |
COMPRE | Comprehensive Examinations | 7 |
COMPRE-PD | Comprehensive Examinations: Permanent Diaconate Program | 2 |
EDLR 510 | Assessment and Evaluation in Education | 3 |
EDLR 520 | Leadership in Education | 2 |
EDLR 525 | Educational Institution as an Organization | 4 |