Semesters » Winter 2017

Graduate important dates

Important Dates for Undergraduate Programs

For Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Culture students, please login to Mylion CCC and find the most updated schedule.

Additions, for 3rd and 4th year BA students, if you would like to make changes about your registrations, for example: withdraw or drop classes, please contact SMC enrolment services office for help. Contact email:

If you have any questions or concerns, please email:


Registration ended Saturday January 14, 2017.
CALR 521Catholic Educational InstitutionClass complete
CALR 602Capstone Experience: A Directed Graduating ProjectClass complete
EDLR 525Educational Institution as an OrganizationClass complete
EDLR 602Capstone Experience: A Directed Graduating ProjectClass complete
EDUC 410Religion in Curriculum and Life of the SchoolClass complete
HIST 313Britain 1945 to present and European RelationsClass complete
MTHDBasic Research Skills ModulesClass complete
PAST 401-PDPastoral Ministry : The OtherClass complete
PAST 501-PDPastoral Ministry : The OtherClass complete
RLED 410Philosophy of Catholic EducationClass complete
RMTHDAdvanced Research Skills ModulesClass complete
SCRI 510Introduction to the New TestamentClass complete
THEO 401Foundations of TheologyClass complete
THEO 402God, Christ, ChurchClass complete
THEO 501Foundations of TheologyClass complete
THEO 560Christian AnthropologyClass complete
THESISThesis WritingClass complete